6th ASIA Congress & Annual General Meeting
Date : 17 - 18 March 2023>
Venue : Hong Kong Sports Institute, 25 Yuen Wo Road, Sha Tin, N.T., Hong Kong. China
The 6th ASIA Congress and Annual General Meeting will take place at the Hong Kong Sports Institute from 17 to 18 March 2023 (Fri & Sat).
Organized by the Hong Kong Sports Institute, the theme of the Congress is ‘Support that enables sports and athletes to excel – from the starting line to the podium’. The Congress will provide a platform for participants to exchange and understand the recent developments and practices, such as research and support services, that contribute to the nurturing of elite athletes and making of champions. Policy-makers and administrators, sports scientists, coaches, athletes and educators who are interested in enhancing the future of Asian sports are welcome to join us.